
Did you know?

Rent for a one bedroom Atlanta apartment has increased


since 2014 and has outpaced wage growth
There is a


gap between White and Black homeownership levels in metro Atlanta
(Atlanta Regional Commission)
The City of Atlanta lost


units that rent for less than $1,250 between 2014-2019
(Atlanta Regional Commission)

HouseATL is addressing Housing Affordability in Atlanta

A city known for its affordability, hospitality, and warm climate is at cross-roads. Cost of living and quality of life have been economic drivers for the region, but the city’s competitive advantage is at risk. Economic mobility and income disparity have become critical issues, as home prices and rents continue to rise faster than incomes. Ensuring that the city is focused on inclusive economic growth means we must collectively focus on affordable housing as foundational to quality of life and as a key component of Atlanta’s economic development infrastructure.

Policy makers, businesses and residents can all benefit by ensuring Atlanta is a city for all. HouseATL assembles the region’s top resources to build policies and financial models that will make housing affordability a reality. This collaborative effort helps create a deeper understanding of the issues, drives community consensus, shapes political will, identifies much-needed funding and coordinates policy improvements.

The result? Atlanta will be a national leader in cultivating public-private-nonprofit partnerships to address housing affordability issues.

Key Facts & Figures Driving Change

Rent for a one bedroom Atlanta apartment has increased

0 %

since 2014 and has outpaced wage growth

There is

0 %

gap between White and Black homeownership levels in metro Atlanta

The City of Atlanta lost


units that rent for less than $1,250 between 2014-2019

Bringing Atlanta Together, For The Common Good

Affordable Housing Advocates
The Atlanta Business Community
The Greater Atlanta Community
Local Policy Makers
Real Estate Developers

Founding Partners

HouseATL is an open taskforce – initiated through the convening power and resources of The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, ULI Atlanta, Metro Atlanta Chamber, City of Atlanta, Central Atlanta Progress, and Center for Civic Innovation.


HouseATL is a cross-sector group of civic leaders committed to building the political and community will for a comprehensive and coordinated housing affordability action plan for Atlanta.

The Latest HouseATL News

Donations to HouseATL are tax deductible, as it is fiscally sponsored by the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We appreciate your support for advancing affordable housing in Atlanta.